Specialist Home Care & Supported Living.

Delivering well-led, compassionate and responsive care to all ages and needs throughout the UK.

Personal Care

Caring For

Caring for children (0 - 18yrs)

At JN, we are compassionate about the growth and wellbeing of children, whether a child is being looked after by the local authority or has been identified as being in need through a social work assessment. We have well-trained staff who understand the developmental needs of children and offer guidance in daily activities, education, and social interactions. We also provide supported  living services that aim to equip children and adolescents with the tools they need to navigate life.

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Caring for adults (18 - 25 yrs)

We help in aiding a supportive environment for young adults so that they can develop and maintain respect, self-reliance and self-care skills. As well as enabling them to make informed, age-appropriate decisions which concern their present and future so they can achieve a successful transition into independence and adulthood.

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Caring for adults (25-65 yrs)

We have a tailored service for adults within this age range to fit the specific needs of each individual. Whether it comes to supported living or floating support service, we aim to maintain their independence and integrity when providing their care.

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Caring for adults (Over 65 yrs)

Our specialised team for adult care is always ready to provide services centred on the needs of adults within this age range. We always ensure promoting their health and wellbeing and ensuring they are assisted to be independent while preserving their dignity and safety.

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Enriching Lives

Holistic Approach

We focus not just on physical health, but also on emotional, mental, and social well-being. Our approach aims to create fulfilling care plans for our patients, enhancing their overall quality of life.


We adapt to changing needs and circumstances. Whether it's adjusting care plans or accommodating new requirements, we ensure our patients receive the support they need, when they need it.

Continuity of Care

Our commitment to providing the same care staff, with no agency workers, creates a bond between patient and caregiver to offer a sense of consistency and familiarity which is vital when building trust.

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Nurturing Independence

We understand that independence looks different for each person. That's why we work closely with our patients to create customised support plans that respect their goals, preferences, and abilities. Our skilled team takes the time to identify strengths and areas for growth, ensuring that our approach aligns with each individual's aspirations. We actively involve our patients in decision-making processes. Whether it's choosing activities, planning meals, or setting personal goals, we encourage autonomy and self-expression to build self-confidence and decision-making abilities.

Supported Living Properties 

We are committed to providing support that we would like to receive ourselves. We provide independent, shared and 24-hour supported living accommodation. Our high-quality, fully furnished properties provide the ideal setting for young people to develop their independent living skills. We also provide step-down accommodation specific to young people transitioning to independent living.

Staff Diversity & Training

Staff diversity is at the core of our company's ethos. We actively encourage an inclusive environment, along with high quality training, where individuals of different races, genders, ages, and cultural backgrounds come together to provide compassionate care to our residents. We recognise this is a key driver of our success, as it enables us to better connect with the communities we serve.

Recruitment Form

Staff diversity is at the core of our company's ethos. We actively encourage an inclusive environment, along with high quality training,

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Our Blog

09 Jan, 2024
In the world of caregiving, a commitment to ongoing education and training isn't just a box to tick—it's a vital cornerstone that fortifies the quality of care and guarantees safety for both the client and the caregiver. As caregivers, our dedication to continuous learning isn't merely a duty; it's a pledge to uphold the highest standards of service and safeguard the wellbeing of those we serve and ourselves.
31 Jan, 2021
CQC Inspections
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